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Advent, which comes from the Latin word for "arrival" or "coming" is a period of preparation for the birth of our Lord. Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and is the start of our Christmas season, which lasts through the Baptism of Our Lord. The first Sunday of Advent also marks the beginning of the liturgical year, the Church's "New Year's Day", at which time we change the cycle of the readings we are using at Mass.

Advent is a time of joyous anticipation, but also of penance and preparation for the great Christmas feast. The liturgical color of the season is purple, a sign of penance, which is also used during Lent. The Church discourages excessive ornamentation, boisterous music and even weddings during Advent, in order to foster a sense of quiet hope.

Blessing of the Advent Wreath

First Week of Advent


O God, bless our wreath and be with us as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.
As we light the candle each day, help us to keep our own hearts burning with Your love.


"So be on the watch. Pray constantly for the strength to...stand secure before

the Son of Man." (Luke 21:36) In the First Week of Advent, we prepare ourselves for the Lord's coming into our world and into our lives. We ask, "In what area of my life do I stand at a distance from God?" We examine our relationships with family, friends, classmates, business associates, and neighbors. Is our faith reflected in each experience of human contact? Is love of God and neighbor the basis for our interaction with others? 

(Light the first purple candle)

Lord our God,

We praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ:

He is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples,

He is the wisdom that teaches and guides us,

He is the Savior of every nation.

Lord God,

Let your blessing come upon us

As we honor the first candle of this wreath.

May the wreath and its light

Be a sign of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation.

May he come quickly and not delay.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Arrangement by Alec Noll

Violin - Jordan Manocchi

Piano - Alec Noll

Recorded in our Parish December 9, 2018

00:00 / 05:23

All parishioners should have received the below documents in the mail, if you need another copy, click to print

Christmas Letter

Seasonal Calendar of Events 

Our Tri-Parish Advent Penance Service will be held on Wednesday, December 21st at 7pm at Immaculate Conception.

All are welcome!

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available at

Our Lady of Grace on Sunday, December 18th from 11:30am - 1pm

St. Joseph's on Tuesday, December 20th from 6-7:30pm

Immaculate Conception 518-399-9168

Our Lady of Grace 518-399-5713

St. Joseph's 518-346-2316

Feast of the

Immaculate Conception

is Thursday, December 8, 2022

Masses will be celebrated as follows

Vigil Mass - 6:30pm at Our Lady of Grace on Wednesday 12/7

9:00am on 12/8 at St. Joseph's

6:00pm on 12/8 at Immaculate Conception followed by hospitality

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