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E-Giving FAQ

Q: Why e-giving?

E-giving provides simplicity and convenience for you, while saving time and labor and actually strengthens the church's funding.

Q: Is this new?

The Church of the Immaculate Conception has been benefiting from e-giving since April 2009. Many area parishes have been using e-giving for years.

Q: Are electronic 

contributions risky?

No. An electronic contribution is safer than writing a check and it can't be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail. All Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) transactions are governed by strict national rules and guidelines. Over four billion EFT transactions are processed annually in the United States.

Q: If I don't write 

checks, how do I keep my checkbook 

balance straight?

Your contribution is made on a pre-established day, so you can deduct it from your check record then. Your bank/credit card statements will also reflect your gift.

Q: How is my electronic contribution automatically deducted from my account?

Once you authorize the gift, the secure software initiates the process through your bank or card company and funds transfer from you account to the Church's account and are properly designated to the purpose of the gift.

Q: When will my contribution be deducted from my account?

Within 24 hours for credit and debit card transactions; 72 hours for checking or savings account donations (ACH).

Q: How often will I be able to give electronically?

Within 24 hours for credit and debit card transactions; 72 hours for checking or savings account donations (ACH).

Q: Can I change the amount of my offering?

Yes, you may do so by updating your e-giving form either online or by contacting the parish office. Additional gifts may be placed in the offertory baskets at anytime.

Q: Will my e-giving amount be the same every time?

If you choose to give monthly, then yes it will be the same. If you choose to donate on a weekly basis, the amount will vary depending upon whether there are four of five Sundays in the month.

Q: What if I try it and I don't like it?

You can change or cancel your electronic giving at any time. Call the parish office at 518-399-9168 with any questions.

Q: Can I put amounts in different funds and special offerings, and have them all withdrawn from my account at different frequencies?

At this time, we are offering e-giving for the regular weekly sacrificial giving and the Church's renovation fund and Holy days of obligation. Specific questions should be directed to the office 518-399-9168.

Q: What do I use when I do my taxes? Will I get a statement of everything I gave online?

Upon request, you will receive a statement from the church with all of your donation information. This can be used for tax purposes.

Q: Can anyone who works at the church see my account number?

A designed staff person will be the only person to input the date into the E-Giving system's database. The information and paper files will be maintained in a locked and secured confidential file separate from other parish files.

Q: What can I use to put into the collection basket when it come around to me?

If you like, you can use the card provided that says "I gave electronically". Cards will be available at each entrance to the church.

Q: Without a cancelled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?

Your credit card or bank statement shows an itemized list of electronic transfers. The Church also has proof of your donation. Any of these can prove your contribution.

Q: How much does electronic giving cost?

While transfer fees are less than a postage stamp, the church is willing to take on that cost to help insure the regular faithfulness of your giving, which strengthens the Church. Credit cards have an additional percentage added so if at all possible please use your checking account for good stewardship.

Q: How do I sign up for electronic giving?

Sign up online, complete and return the paper authorization for and return it to the church with a voided check, savings account deposit slip or your credit card, or my calling Kathy in the Parish Office 518-399-9168. If using the paper authorization form it should be placed in a sealed envelope and returned to the rectory or mailed. Mark the envelope "ATTN: Kathy Friscic"

Q: What if I don't sign up for e-giving?

You will continue to receive envelopes. Call the parish office at 518-399-9168 if you are not receiving envelopes and would like to.

Q: What is the name of the company that is administering the e-giving?

The Church is using the services of E-GIVING SYSTEMS to administer this program. You can visit their website and learn more about the organization at 

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